Ensign T'kara

Name T'kara

Position Communications Officer

Rank Ensign

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Sex Female
1st Person she
2nd Person her
3rd Person her
Species Rigellian (Vulcanoid)
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 1.8 meters
Weight 68 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Athletic build, several facial scars, miscellaneous tattoos (none visible in uniform)


Father Stoak
Mother T'prinn
Brother(s) Daved
Sister(s) Ipris

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'kara is gregarious and friendly - she likes scotch and a good joke. She goes out of her way to talk to people
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Loyal, caring, outgoing, passionate
Weakness: Intemperate, can be violent when pushed too far
Ambitions To make Chief of Communications, Starfleet one day
Hobbies & Interests Music (plays piano and several other instruments), sampling Romulan ale from across the galaxy

Personal History T'kara comes from Rigel V. She's the black sheep of her family though - her brothers and sisters all stayed on Rigel V and became successful there.
This has strained her familial relationships though. Nobody knows what to think of their sister that speaks six languages and likes to get drunk and fight
Service Record 2281- 2285: Starfleet Academy - major course of study: Xenolinguistics
2285 - Ordered to Report for Duty aboard USS Proxima