Lieutenant Commander Dusan

Name Dusan

Position Chief Navigator

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 2:27pm

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Sex Male
1st Person they
2nd Person them
3rd Person their
Sexuality Ominisexual; repiromantic
Species Argelian
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6’3” (1.92m)
Weight Average
Hair Color Raven black
Eye Color Hazel; darker inner/lighter rings of espresso brown
Physical Description Dusan looks identical to humans outwardly in appearance like almost all Argelians. They are athletic with wide broad shoulders. Their face shape is oblong with a long cheek-line with a round chin. They wear their hair loose, curly and often waverly but sometimes will crump it up into a bun or into a pony or in pigtails. They have an aquiline nose.

Dusan has central heterochronia, their eyes are Hazel with darker inner and lighter outer rings of espresso brown in colouring. Their hazel eyes come in forest green, sky blue or gray depending on lighting and local surroundings.

Dusan alternates wearing the standard and skant-style uniform while on duty. Off duty, they're known to wear clothing worn by both sexes and the usage of cosmetic makeup.

Dusan considers themself genderqueer. They consider all pronouns interchangeable for themself. However, while on duty they prefer the usage of: they/them.


Spouse None; single & unattached
Children None on record
Father Bojan (biological),Yakov & Kasimir
Mother Vernika & Mateja (biological)
Brother(s) Alexei, Florian, Lew, Orell, Karel
Sister(s) Kasmira, Tosia, Zlatika & Neveah
Other Family Important information: Argelian familial structures are traditionally similar to their human counterparts. However, in the mid-twenty-first century to present polyamorous marriages have become more common and a acceptable societal norm. Dusan’s parentage involves three fathers and two mothers. Their household was quite large and busy during his formidable childhood years.

While it is noted that Bojan and Mateja are his biological parents. His parenting group considers all of their children their own. Starfleet Command required the biometric information for their enlistment in Starfleet.

Their sisters and brothers have their own similar familial structure to the one they were born with. Dusan’s family data is extensive to be listed.

Personality & Traits