
Prelude: The Gathering

Post Count: 30

Stardate 8235.

Starship Proxima arrives at Deep Space Station Lambda-2 to take on final crew in preparation for its official launch.The crew begins to meet, form relationships and shakedown their venerable refit. In the Rimward frontier of Federation space, trouble is brewing. The shadow of the Genesis Project looms large in the adjacent sectors, and the fallout of its cost is only beginning to be felt across allied- and non-aligned- worlds.

Shall We Not Revenge?

Post Count: 0

Stardate 8254.6.

Starship Proxima is dispatched to the Hekaras System after the Hekaran Ambassador stated the Treaty of the Hekaras Space Corridor was in abeyance. This vital passage is the primary route to the Federation's Rimward Frontier: losing it would jeopardize colonization, humanitarian aid, trade, and exploration.

The Hekaran delegation has sent a formal protest and subsequently recalled its diplomats to the Federation Council after the dissipation and transmogrification of the Mutara Nebula into the former Planet Genesis. The Mutara Nebula, known locally as "the Mother's Womb," held special religious and spiritual significance to the Hekaran civilization.

While attending diplomatic functions around Hekaras Prime to restore the treaty, Proxima receives an automated intruder alert signal from the now-shuttered Space Lab Regula One. As the only Federation starship currently in the area, Proxima sends an Away Team to investigate aboard the Shuttlecraft Procyon.

Part of Fallout Genesis

Data Dump

Post Count: 0

Part of Fallout Genesis

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